Add New Tool

Adding a new tool is so easy. You can add any types of tools in Spider.

Create Shell Script

Navigate to the tools/scripts directory, choose a category folder, and within that folder, create the script for your tool. This shell script should contain all the instructions for installing the tool.

Let’s have a look at a Python based tool.


# Tool
export tool_language="python"
export tool_directory="Sublist3r"
export branch_name="master"
export has_dependencies=true
export git_repo=""

# Install
source ./core/scripts/libs/


tool_languageLanguage of the tool. Example: Python, Go.
tool_directoryFolder name of tool. You’ll find it under et directory. It Should be same as Git repository name.
branch_nameBranch name of the Git repository.
has_dependenciestrue or false.
git_repoThe URL of Git repository.

Create Fixture

Now, go to tools/fixtures/tools directory. Then select/create a category file, example igt.json and insert the new tool data in the following format at the end of the file:

  "model": "tools.tool",
  "pk": null,
  "fields": {
    "name": "Sublist3r",
    "lang": "python",
    "directory": "Sublist3r",
    "run": "",
    "script": "igt/",
    "category_slug": "others",
    "git_repo": "",
    "website": "",
    "short_desc": "Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers."


nameThe name of the tool.
langSame language as shell script.
directorySame directory as shell script.
runMain run filename or command.
scriptInstallation script path.
category_slugSlug of tool category.
git_repoThe URL of Git repository.
websiteWebsite of the tool (optional).
short_descShort description of the tool.

Insert to Database

Visit the URL to insert new tool to database:


Done. Visit the following URL and check:


After adding & testing the tool, create a Pull Request.